Danny and his friends are anything but enthusiastic when they learn that a school excursion to an old villa in Nartla is planned shortly before the summer vacation. He realizes quickly, however, that something isn‘t right in the villa. He hears voices from rooms, which are empty, finds messages that are carved into the floor and is chased by a creature that looks like his best friend Ed.

While he desperately tries to find out whom he can trust, he is unaware that he is drawn into a centuries-old doom loop.

Available as paperback edition and e-book:

Danny and his friends are anything but enthusiastic when they learn that a school excursion to an old villa in Nartla is planned shortly before the summer vacation. He realizes quickly, however, that something isn‘t right in the villa. He hears voices from rooms, which are empty, finds messages that are carved into the floor and is chased by a creature that looks like his best friend Ed.

While he desperately tries to find out whom he can trust, he is unaware that he is drawn into a centuries-old doom loop.

Available as paperback edition and e-book:

The piece of pa­per disp­layed a pe­cu­liar se­quence of let­ters. Only on the edge was a read­able sen­tence:

You must think, or he'll van­ish be­hind the out­side.

As if re­mote-con­trolled, Danny looked up and saw some­thing that made him fi­nal­ly doubt his san­ity. His blood, which had ac­cu­mu­lat­ed on the ceil­ing, shaped into four words:


Danny checked the win­dowsill, which was cov­ered with a thick lay­er of dust, so that the col­or of the wood was fad­ing be­yond it, lit­er­al­ly. A spi­der had made it­self com­fort­able in one of the cor­ners. Danny, how­ever, couldn‘t care less, be­cause there was some­thing writ­ten in the dust lay­er:

Why didn‘t you let me in?

He walked over to the tree at a dis­tance of a few yards and took a closer look at it. An ar­row was fresh­ly carved lat­er­al­ly into the bark, point­ing at the swamp­land. Some­thing, which was al­so carved into the bark only re­cent­ly, was writ­ten be­low the ar­row:


The piece of pa­per disp­layed a pe­cu­liar se­quence of let­ters. Only on the edge was a read­able sen­tence:

You must think, or he'll van­ish be­hind the out­side.

As if re­mote-con­trolled, Danny looked up and saw some­thing that made him fi­nal­ly doubt his san­ity. His blood, which had ac­cu­mu­lat­ed on the ceil­ing, shaped into four words:


Danny checked the win­dowsill, which was cov­ered with a thick lay­er of dust, so that the col­or of the wood was fad­ing be­yond it, lit­er­al­ly. A spi­der had made it­self com­fort­able in one of the cor­ners. Danny, how­ever, couldn‘t care less, be­cause there was some­thing writ­ten in the dust lay­er:

Why didn‘t you let me in?

He walked over to the tree at a dis­tance of a few yards and took a closer look at it. An ar­row was fresh­ly carved lat­er­al­ly into the bark, point­ing at the swamp­land. Some­thing, which was al­so carved into the bark only re­cent­ly, was writ­ten be­low the ar­row: